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Personal Theory of Human Nature and keys to Ethical Development - Assignment and Rubric

OLCU 601 Ethics Democracy and Leadership

Personal Theory of Human Nature and keys to Ethical Development - Assignment and Rubric Due Date: Submit within Week Two Assignments folder by Sunday Week 2 (midnight)
Points Possible: 100

In Johnson, C. E. (2016). Organizational ethics: A practical approach (3rd ed.), our author walks the reader through 6 Components of Personal Ethical Development.

These include:
          Component 1: Realistic Self-Appraisal
          Component 2: Discovering Vocation
          Component 3: Identifying Personal Values
          Component 4: Developing Character
          Component 5: Creating a Moral Identity
          Component 6: Drawing Upon Spiritual Resources

This assignment asks you to consider and explore your personal beliefs. As our author suggests, “you are ultimately responsible for how you act” (pg. 37). Your analysis in this paper will consist of your thoughts on how your everyday actions are predicated. Consider The 6 Components of Ethical Development as you write your paper.


In this assignment, you will:

    Write a two (2) page reflective paper (double-spaced) in which you discuss:
·         Your theory of human nature and the 6 components of ethical development
·         Include examples and ideas you have learned through your own life experiences applying the course readings
·         Address how these may influence your decision-making.
Follow APA 6 required formatting guidelines.

Below are prompted you may consider when developing your paper:
1.         What motivates my ethical decisions?
2.         What do I think about the ethical decision making motives of others?
3.         Are people good or bad?
4.          What might human behavior be like if there were no rules? How would decisions be made?

Evaluation Criteria

Paper Elements


Clearly and concisely describes the reasons for writing. The topic is effectively introduced and the reader is given a strong indication of where the paper will lead the reader. Engages the reader.

Fairly clearly describes the purpose for writing. The topic is introduced, but perhaps not fully. There is a fair indication of where the paper will lead the reader. Fair engagement of the reader

Somewhat clearly describes the purpose for writing. The topic is introduced, but perhaps incompletely, or it misses some points of clarity. Offers a fair indication of where the paper will lead the reader.

Unclear or confusing description of the purposes for writing. The topic is not introduced at all or sufficiently. There is no or little indication as to where the paper will lead the reader.

Personal Theory Explanation

Clearly and precisely defines and discusses what ideas the student has about human behavior. Includes examples that demonstrated why assumptions exist. Fully demonstrates how personal theory has been applied in daily life (professional or personal).

Fairly defines and discusses what ideas the student has about human behavior. Includes examples that demonstrated why assumptions exist. Fairly demonstrates how personal theory has been applied in daily life (professional or personal).

Somewhat defines and discusses what ideas the student has about human behavior. Includes examples that demonstrated why assumptions exist. Somewhat demonstrates how personal theory has been applied in daily life (professional or personal).

Limited if any definition and discussion on what ideas the student has about human behavior. Excludes examples that demonstrated why assumptions exist or uses examples that do not demonstrate sufficiently. Limited or absent any demonstration of how personal theory has been applied in daily life (professional or personal).

Critical Thinking & Application

Engages personal theory with objective analysis and synthesis of facts and or data.

Clearly & precisely demonstrates how the personal theory has functioned in decision-making.
Fairly engages personal theory with objective analysis and synthesis of facts and or data.

Fairly demonstrates how the personal theory has functioned in decision- making.
Somewhat engages personal theory with objective analysis and synthesis of facts and or data.

Somewhat demonstrates how the personal theory has functioned in decision-making.
Limited if any engagement of personal theory with objective analysis and synthesis of facts and or data.

Limited if any demonstration on how the personal theory has functioned in decision- making.

Paper is clear, informative, and interesting. Uses good grammar and spelling, and is focused. Includes citations and references as needed/required by APA.

Paper is fairly clear, informative, and interesting. Uses good grammar and spelling, with minor errors, and is focused. Includes citations and references as needed/required by APA.

Paper is somewhat clear, informative, and interesting. Uses good grammar and spelling, with more than three errors, and is somewhat focused. Includes citations and references as needed/required by APA with more than three APA errors.

Paper is not very clear, informative, and interesting. Uses poor grammar and spelling with many errors. Excludes references as needed/required by APA or insufficient citing.

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