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Project Leadership Assessment 1


Course Name
Advanced Diploma of Program Management
Project Leadership

Assessment method
Part A: Written Assessment
Part B: Written or Oral Questions Part C: Written Assessment

Units of Competency
Lead and manage organisational change BSBPMG617
Provide leadership for the program
1.      Assessments should be completed as per your trainer’s instructions.
2.      Assessments must be submitted by the due date to avoid a late submission penalty.
3.      Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. You must write your answers in your own words and include a reference list. A mark of zero will be given for any assessment or part of an assessment that has been plagiarised.
4.      You may discuss your assessments with other students, but submitting identical answers to other students will result in a failing grade. Your answers must be yours alone.
5.      Your trainer will advise whether the assessment should be digitally uploaded or submitted in hard copy. Assessments that are digitally uploaded should be saved in pdf format.
6.      You must attempt all questions.
7.      You must pass all assessments in order to pass the subject.
8.      All assessments are to be completed in accordance with WHS regulatory requirements.

Assessment 1

Part A – Written Assessment
Case study report
The Apple organization provides an interesting case study in terms of organizational management and change. Between 1993 and 1997, Apple was struggling to find a consistently profitable source of revenue. They developed everything from digital cameras and portable CD players to TV appliances.

The company had a range of CEOs after Steve Jobs had been removed from the position and nothing seemed to be working. Jobs was reinstated as CEO in 1997, and the company’s direction changed radically, with Apple focusing once more on electronics, starting with the iMac in 1998. They also acquired the video editing and digital production companies and began to develop electronics that used these media. Apple led the digital music revolution with the iPod and iTunes. They reinvented the mobile phone with the iPhone and led mobile computing with the iPad. The iPod was an enormous success, selling over 100 million units within six years of its 2001 launch. The iPhone produced a 100% year-over-year rise in sales according to CNN Money.
(Adapted from
None of this would have been possible without an organizational change in a big way. The change management process required the program manager, in conjunction with key stakeholders and under the sponsorship of Steve Jobs to consider such things as cost-benefit analysis, risk analysis, prioritization of change requirements, the development of a change management project plan, processes for gaining approvals, how resources would be assigned and what the reporting protocols would be.
Research “Apple” Organization and write a report (3-4) pages about the changes at Apple, taking into account the following items:

1.    Completing a cost-benefit analysis    (5 marks)
2.    Prioritizing the change requirements from Low to High  (5 marks)
3.    Developing a Change Management Project Plan (5 marks)
4.    Obtaining the necessary approvals before implementation (3 marks)
5.    Assigning resources to the project and agree to proper reporting protocols with the relevant managers. (3 marks)
6.    In your own words explain

·         How Apple identified how the changes needed to be made (3 marks)
·         What processes they took to develop a change management strategy (3 marks)
·         How it was implemented (3 marks)
·         What the outcomes were. (3 marks)

Assessment 1

Some helpful sites for this assessment include:
Part A total: 33 marks

Part B – Written or Oral Questions

1.    Define change management. (3 marks)
2.    Explain the importance of change and change management in an organization. (3 marks)
3.    List the five steps of the change management process and briefly explain each step (1 mark per step, 1 mark per application – total 10 marks)
4.    Why should policies and procedures be regularly reviewed against strategic directions? (3 marks)
5.    What is a gap analysis and give examples of how is it used by managers? (3 marks)
6.    What is a SWOT analysis? Explain how managers use it.(3marks)
7.    Give three examples of risk documentation. Why is it important to maintain documentation? (3 marks)
8.    What are the components of a communication plan in relation to change management? (3 marks)
9.    Give 5 examples of workplace learning activities. (3 marks)
10.    Give 5 methods you can use to reduce resistance to change. (3 marks)

(Part B total: 37 marks)

Part C – Written Assessment
Prepare a change management communication plan for a project or program you have worked on or which has been done in one of your workplaces.

  Part C total: 10 marks
Assessment 1 total: 80 marks


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